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Sentia Publishing

Family Patterns: Living in a Time of Emotional Disturbance – A Survey in Family Parenting (Gary Jackson) - eBook


Family Patterns: Living in a Time of Emotional Disturbance – A Survey in Family Parenting (Gary Jackson) - eBook


Product Description

Author: Gary Jackson

About The Author:
Dr. Gary Jackson has served as consultant, faculty and adjunct faculty member for several colleges and universities for over 30 years teaching over 16,000 adult learners. As principal of Urban Outreach Initiative Fund, a component fund of Foundation For Entrepreneurial & Cultural Leadership, Inc., his charitable focus includes homelessness intervention. His educator credentials include Advanced Leadership Analytic Process (Global), P-12 Superintendent (National), P-12 Principal (Urban Interstate) and P-12 Educator (Career and Technical; Business Services and Technology; Gifted & Talented; and Learning Behavior Specialist). Dr. Jackson has facilitated seminars in family parenting for over 20 years and his publications include work across a range of applied educational psychology issues.

About The Book:
In more than 30 years of working with education specialists, parents and learners in family business, education and church settings, I have come in contact with many individuals with an inner hunger for congruency in family systems. This book provides practical information that education specialists, parents and learners can use to help identify family patterns to confront dysfunction in family systems and enable the acquisition of appropriate family parenting skills.

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