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Sentia Publishing

Grit to Teach and the Mindset to Stay: Do You Have What It Takes? (Paul G. Young, Terri Green, and Debra Dunning) - eBook


Grit to Teach and the Mindset to Stay: Do You Have What It Takes? (Paul G. Young, Terri Green, and Debra Dunning) - eBook


Product Description

Authors: Paul G. Young, Terri Green, and Debra Dunning

About The Authors

Paul Young, Terri Green, and Debra Dunning are professors committed to supporting the growth and development of undergraduate aspiring educators at Ohio University-Lancaster Campus. Young, a music teacher, is a retired principal, and a past president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National AfterSchool Association. Green is a retired teacher, literacy specialist, advisor to the OU-L student education association, and consultant with school districts in Central Ohio. Dunning is a specialist in collaboration, early childhood programming and leadership, kindergarten readiness, developmentally appropriate practice, diversity, and parenting education.

About The Book

This book was developed and written to help high school and college-level aspiring educators discern and confirm their career choice to become teachers. It is a companion book to any introductory education class textbook and a stand-alone, must-read for aspiring teachers engaged in their student teaching experience or related seminars. The book’s purpose is not to feed content (you’ll get that in prescribed classes) but rather to improve students’ deliberate practice of thinking and acting like a teacher. The authors lead readers through self-reflective exercises and activities in 50 questions in 10 chapters:

1.   Professional Attitude

2.    Mindset

3.    Habits

4.    Professionalism

5.    Initiative

6.    Reading and Writing

7.    Public Speaking

8.    Personal Care

9.    Preparation

10. Personal Responsibility

Readers will benefit from information and insights about the soft skills needed for building relationships, self-growth, dealing with challenges, perseverance, and motivating children. This book will reinforce readers’ passion for teaching and strengthen a commitment to a noble profession and the lives of students.

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